
How Do Constraints Positively Impact Creativity?

By Marcia Banks

Imposing constraints on a project encourages outside-the-box-thinking as teams are forced to think differently, to be more focused, to search further and connect information from various sources to be more innovative in problem-solving.

When there is no constraint on the creative process, it is easier for teams to go for the most intuitive idea that comes to mind rather than investing time and thought in the development of better ideas.

To think in creative ways is to be open-minded, to be willing to experiment with ideas and materials, and have an ability to embrace possible failure when solving problems. It is an attitude that can be taught and learned. We learn to be creative by having constraints placed upon projects.

Creativity is driving many types of innovation with emerging technologies. Many of today’s recruiters are seeking people who have the skills of creative and innovative thinking and creative problem-solving. These should be complemented by other skills such as having good analytical skills and effective communication skills.