
Learning and Teaching

Face to face or together

By Jean-Claude Brès

Learning and Teaching

Image from Mr. Lebrun’s presentation slides of Troisième conférence du cycle Pédago-Tic au Mundaneum sur la thématique “Apprendre et enseigner”

Apprendre et enseigner avec les réseaux sociaux engluage sur la toile ou ouverture sur le monde 12 638
Two verbs inextricably linked to each other!

In the past learning and teaching used to be two very distinct activities: a teacher taught the student and the student learned from the teacher. But today they are inseparable and in constant interaction.

Communication technology and access to information have transformed our way of relating to knowledge.
Teaching today is no longer or not only the transmission of knowledge but is the catalyst for learning to take place.
We could say that the teacher’s role is now much more than a transmitter of knowledge - he is a “master” or “facilitator of learning”

The body of knowledge in all areas is increasing and changing and so are the methods of teaching. The teacher becomes a learner in the whole process - he learns as he teaches.

For the students learning is becoming more and more interactive through group work, pair work, “peer instruction”, networking etc.

We help students to discover their own intelligences and their own preferred learning styles - leading them to become responsible for their own learning.

Students frequently “teach themselves”.

According to Denis Christol, translated to English (Apprendre et enseigner, quelles différences ? Publication de son blog du 15 mais 2015) : “Learning is gathering content about the many questions we ask about our world and ourselves. The desire to learn is the desire to modify the dimension of our mental world and our relationship with the world that surrounds us.
So our desire to learn is in direct proportion to our need to grow internally, and to broaden our relationship with the exterior.

Teaching is making room for others to grow with some of the discoveries we have made throughout our own journey.
In this sense teaching is telling a story in which we are the main character knowing quite well that now and again there will be others!"

Further readings (in French):